The 5 4 3 2 1 Poster

To make sure we’re on the right track and not being silly, there is an exercise to summarise our initial idea into a single poster. As a guide, there are certain requirements.

The poster needs to be 1280 x 1024 pixels, saved as 60% compressed jpg, including:

5 similar things to what you are thinking about – both direct and indirect associations, name them, show their covers, or an image from them, you are saying ‘It will be like this…’
- Qwiki
- Scale of the Universe
- Microsoft 2019 Vision
- Unreal Engine Solar System
- Physical Learning
- Dynamic Textbook
- Gaming as Education
*Find these on my Inspiration page.

4 sources of inspiration (music, poetry, film, game, novel) that are in play when you think about this idea
- Future Learning
- House of the Future
- RSA Animate – Changing Education Paradigms
- Shift Happens: Education 3.0
- Video Game High School
*Find these on my Inspiration page.

3 ‘heroes’ who you associate with the work you are doing
- Ken Robinson
- John Hattie
- Neil deGrasse Tyson
- Bill Nye The Science Guy
*Find these on my Heroes page.

2 ‘theories’ that are of relevance
- Distributed Cognition
- Fun Theory

1 ‘issue’ you are aware of that will be involved in the making…. (skills, knowledge, resources..)
- Keeping the scope focused with so many problems
- Not being blinded by passion (Keep asking others for objective evaluation of progress)
- Making sure my project actually works and relates to Malaysian education

Get it all nice and pretty by 10.00am on Thursday 7th June 2012. I’ve managed to find all the things I need and I’m quite happy with what I got actually =D time to analyse and study!

The Beginning

Welcome to my (Zakhren) blog which will document my progress through the Multimedia Project Planning module eventually leading to my brilliant final project. I’ve started this blog because we’re forced to! As an overview, this module is split to 2 parts.

The first runs through this sem starting in May 2012 and has 2 major requirements:
- a Study Blog (which is what you’re reading now)
- a Statement of Intent (I quote, “3 pieces A4 sheet, to a pro forma layout, which works as a ‘cultural map’ locating your planned project.”)

By the 21st of June I will have to submit this blog to be gawked at by the higher powers, so hopefully my sacrifice pleases.